The Disciplic Succession(ଏବମ୍ ପରମ୍ପରାପ୍ରାପ୍ତମ୍)

Niladri Bihari Nayak
10 min readDec 21, 2019


What is Disciplic Succession (Guru Parampara)?

The vedic truth (Transcendental knowledge) reaches the student by the descending process from the Vedas and through the Guru. This chain of transmission is called “Guru Parampara”, the Disciplic Succession. If one does not take to the path of disciplic succession, it is not possible for one to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead: sampradaya-vihina ye mantras te niñphala matah. This blog will cover the Acharyas of Brahma Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya from Krishna to His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acharya of ISKCON.

In the Introduction to “Bhagavad-gita As It Is” we find a list of the complete disciplic succession of the Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya, beginning with Lord Sri Krsna, up to and including the current Sampradaya Acarya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

Lord Krsna says in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Text 2 (BG 4.2): Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh “This Supreme science was thus received through the chain of Disciplic Succession, and the Saintly Kings understood it in this way.”

This Bhagavad-gita As It Is is received through this disciplic succession:

There are four sampradayas or authorities on the science of bhakti.

Sri Krishna Chaitanya is like a desire tree, and in the form of Narayana, He is the original guru of the four sampradayas.

  1. Shri Sampradya:

Shri is the beloved of Narayana. She is His disciple as well. Her wonderful activities are elaborately described in all the Sastras. Sri is another name of Lakshmi. Her disciplic succession called the “Shri Sampradya” has unlimited branches and sub-branches. After Ramanuja became the acarya in this sampradaya it took the name Ramanuja-sampradaya. Ramanujacharya earlier known as Laksmanacharya is the author of the Ramanuja-bhashya.

2. Brahma Sampradaya :

Lord Brahma is the leading disciple of the supreme Lord Narayana. His sampradaya is known as “Brahma Sampradaya” with disciples all over the world. In this sampradaya, Sri Madhva significantly contributed by writing a commentary on the Brahma-sutras. After this, the sampradaya became known as the Madhva-sampradaya.

3. Rudra Sampradaya

The supreme Lord Narayana also has Lord Rudra as His disciple. Vishnusvami was a leading disciple in the “Rudra Sampradaya”. Vishnusvami was very influential and a learned scholar of all the scriptures. After him this disciplic succession came to be known as the Vishnusvami-sampradaya.

4. Kumara Sampradaya

From the supreme Lord Narayana appeared the Hansa-avatara. In this disciplic succession came the four Kumaras headed by Sanaka Kumara. In this line Nimbaditya was a leading disciple in the “Kumara Sampradaya”. The name Nimbaditya sampradaya was thus established.This is known also as Nimbarka-sampradaya. The influence of Nimbarka sampradaya spread all over the world.

Following is the disciplic succession of Brahma Madhava Gaudiya Sampradaya:

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness draws its legitimacy from its place in a long succession of spiritual teachers and disciples (parampara). ISKCON belongs to the Brahma Sampradaya, founded by Lord Krishna Himself.

  1. Lord Sri Krishna
Credit : ISKCON New Dwaraka Rukmini Dwarakdheesh Temple , Los Angeles

2. Brahma

3. Narada Muni

4. Vyasa :

5. Madhva:

6. Padmanabha :

7. Nrhari:

8. Madhava

9. Aksobhya :

10. Jaya Tirtha :

11. Jnanasindhu :

12. Dayanidhi:

13. Vidyanidhi :

14. Rajendra :

15. Jayadharma :

16. Purusottama :

17. Brahmanya Tirtha :

18. Vyasa Tirtha :

19. Laksmipati :

20. Madhavendra Puri :

21. Isvara Puri, (Nityananda, Advaita) :

Isvara Puri



22. Lord Caitanya :

23. Rupa, (Svarupa, Sanatana) :

Rupa Goswami

Svarupa Goswami

Sanatana Goswami

24. Raghunatha, Jiva

Raghunatha Dasa Goswami:

Jiva Goswami :

25. Krsnadasa :

26. Narottama :

27. Visvanatha:

28. (Baladeva) Jagannatha:

Baladeva Vidyabhusana

Jagannatha Das Babaji

29. Bhaktivinoda:

30. Gaurakisora:

31. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati:

32. AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:


References :



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