Mission SIGnum: SAP SF LMS Season 1
Nikon : Oh ! My Engineering friends , Certified SAP Associates, Analysts, Admins, Consultants, Architects,PMOs…when did you last use the term “SIGNUM” ?
Canon : May be during class XI/XII math or engineering maths !
Nikon : Did you remember the significance of it, Sister ?
Canon : Yes. I was math champion not like you with Biology major , my little brother !! Might be maths love you a lot for that reason you became an engineer despite you have special interest for medical !
Nikon : Might be ! Even I love maths now , here we go : Our 1st SuccessFactors Collaborative Quiz project : we are naming it to “SIGnum” where SIG = Special Interest Group and num represents all participants , admin, quiz master.
Canon : Is there any mathematical significance too ?
Nikon : Yes . You have rightly said. There’s a purpose behind it.
The signum function is the real valued function defined as in below hoodie:
Imagine x= engagement index of our SF Collaboration group.
sgn(x) = 1 , if x >0 : More participation -> Higher and positive engagement index -> More value/benefits derived from collaboration with positive and vice versa. So, let us try our best to be on positive side always and avoid negativity as above math geek hoodie says it all.
So, with this high spirit we’ve hosted a series of quiz related to SuccessFactors LMS over a period of 60 days starting 18th Aug 2017 in one of the most popular social media collaboration platform . Most of the participants were from India/APAC zone .
Day 1
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Day 60 :
Results Summary :
Top 5 performers among 250+ participants
For THR88 SF LMS certification preparation refer below SAP Education official link -